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     The Church universal has always struggled for unity in the Body of Christ.  We need look no further than Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth to see that. 

Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same purpose. (1 Cor 1:10)

     Here at Pleasant Grove, a stark reminder of our call to seek justice as we seek unity is the cemetery that stands behind the sanctuary and is segregated based on the color of one’s skin.  This vestige of a divided body should serve to drive us forward as we seek Paul’s vision of oneness in Christ. 

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)

     There are approximately 176 graves in our cemetery dating from the middle of the 19th century to the end of the 20th century. Unfortunately, most of the graves of our brothers and sisters of color remain unmarked or marked without names.  The good news of the gospel is that despite our failings God knows their names.

     By January 2000, plots to our cemetery were no longer available.  You may notice entries on the following pages or our website that are not visible if you walk through the cemetery.  They may be in the burial sites where the headstones are so weathered they are no longer readable.   

     We would also like to note that in previous writings of our history it was stated that two of the children of Wesley and Vastia Smith died as a result of being burned by fire, and their graves were among the first in this cemetery.  While several of their children died at an early age, we could not find any headstones with the same date of death.  There’s the possibility that the headstones are so weathered by age that they are no longer readable.


*Indicates names that were on either on cemetery or, but we were not able to find a headstone for them when we physically checked the names in the cemetery. If you have questions or information to help us fill in the blanks, please contact the church office at 919-787-7763 or


The following is a list of those we believe are buried in this holy ground:


*Ashworth, Baby Girl

Birth: 1952

Deceased: December 1952


*Berry, Martha Caroline ‘Mattie’ (Spouse of Karl Ferdinand Dickey)

Birth: July 17, 1879

Deceased: July 4, 1967


*Carlina, John Colin

Birth: 1901

Deceased: October 24, 1971


Cooper, Alice

Birth: April 12, 1861

Deceased: July 13, 1883


Cooper, Charles

Birth: January 1836

Deceased: 1914


Cooper, Cora E. (Spouse of Sihon H. Smith)

Birth: May 12, 1866

Deceased: March 2, 1904


Cooper, Isaac Moore

Birth: September 9, 1854

Deceased: October 6, 1924


*Cooper, James W. (Spouse of Martha H. Pulley)

Birth: May 1, 1814

Deceased: October 4, 1898

Cooper, Martha H. Pulley (Spouse of James W. Cooper)

Birth: August 24, 1836

Deceased: March 5, 1915

Cooper, Sallie (Daughter of John and Fannie Cooper)

Birth: November 16, 1832 

Deceased: November 24, 1902


Cooper, William Henry 

Birth: 1856

Deceased: 1894


Davis, James Wilbert (Son of T. H. and L. A. Davis)

Birth: November 26, 1921

Deceased: January 6, 1923


*Dickey, Karl Ferdinand (Spouse of Martha Caroline ‘Mattie’ Berry)

Birth: December 17, 1879

Deceased: September 10, 1956


Dickey, Martha “Mattie” Caroline Berry (Spouse of Karl Ferdinand Dickey)

Birth: July 17, 1879

Deceased: July 4, 1967


*Edwards, Aldridge Boaze (Spouse of Alma Ursilla Wolfe) 

Birth: January 4, 1899

Deceased: March 11, 1968


Edwards, Alma Joyce

Birth: October 26, 1931

Deceased: March 25, 1981


Edwards, Alma Wolfe (Spouse of Boaze A. Edwards)

Birth: August 23, 1908

Deceased: August 25, 1959


Edwards, Boaze A. (Spouse of Alma Wolfe Edwards)

Birth: January 4, 1899

Deceased: March 11, 1968


Edwards, Charlie H. (Spouse of Iva King Edwards)

Birth: October 13, 1856

Deceased: January 27, 1920

Edwards, Charlie O., S/Sgt. U.S. Army (Spouse of Reba H. Edwards)

Birth: December 23, 1915

Deceased: Information not provided


Edwards, Claude W. (Spouse of Vivian E. Edwards)

Birth: November 27, 1902

Deceased: June 30, 1969


Edwards, Dorothy Dixon

Birth: September 21, 1929

Deceased: February 15, 2013

[Dorothy Dixon Edwards was the last person laid to rest in our cemetery.]


Edwards, Frank S. (Son of J. T. and Mary E. Edwards)

Birth: October 23, 1881

Deceased: January 3, 1883


Edwards, Grover (Son of J. T. and Mary E. Edwards)

Birth: November 25, 1891

Deceased: August 24, 1893


Edwards, Halcy (Daughter of J. T. and Mary E. Edwards)

Birth: January 19,1880

Deceased: September 23, 1897


Edwards, Hamilton A., US Navy, WWII 

Birth: October 12, 1924

Deceased: January 22, 1993


Edwards, Harvey L. 

Birth: May 14, 1927

Deceased: May 24, 1972


Edwards, Infant (Son of Reginald L. and Margaret G. Edwards)

Birth: Information not provided

Deceased: August 4, 1934


Edwards, Irene 

Birth: July 8, 1917

Deceased: August 16, 1995

Edwards, Iva King (Spouse of Charlie H. Edwards)

Birth: July 22, 1874

Deceased: May 2, 1961


Edwards, J. T. (Spouse of Mary E. Edwards)

Birth: February 15, 1844

Deceased: August 8, 1918


Edwards, Lela K. 

Birth: November 12, 1884

Deceased: December 20, 1974


Edwards, Lydia A. 

Birth: September 17, 1897

Deceased: December 18, 1990


Edwards, Mary E. (Spouse of J. T. Edwards)

Birth: May 1851

Deceased: May 1915


Edwards, Reba H. (Spouse of Charlie O. Edwards, S/Sgt U.S. Army)

Birth: May 14, 1917

Deceased: September 14, 1979


Edwards, Sylvester L. 

Birth: August 15, 1906

Deceased: January 25, 1965


Edwards, Vivian E. (Spouse of Claude W. Edwards)

Birth: September 11, 1903

Deceased: March 18, 2003


Ellen, Charlie E. (Spouse of O. G. Ellen) 

Birth: September 24, 1863

Deceased: March 30, 1927


Emory Headstone

There is a large headstone with only the Emory name on it and no names or dates.


Emory, Anna 

Birth: August 2, 1889

Deceased: June 22, 1949


Emory, Arbelle O. (Spouse of Frank E. Emory)

Birth: September 1, 1897

Deceased: March 17, 1960


Emory, B. E. (Spouse of Salenah Hobgood Emory)

Birth: August 6, 1854

Deceased: March 2, 1930


Emory, Frank E. (Spouse of Arbelle O. Emory)

Birth: October 13, 1892

Deceased: April 15, 1952


Emory, Marguerite Lucille (Daughter of Frank E. and Arbelle O. Emory)

Birth: May 16, 1921

Deceased: February 18, 1923


Emory, Salenah Hobgood (Spouse of B. E. Emory)

Birth: December 6, 1850

Deceased: May 30, 1909


Hailey, James S. 

Birth: February 18, 1848

Deceased: April 17, 1915


Hailey, James Theodore (Son of J. R. and M. E. Hailey)

Birth: September 21, 1906

Deceased: August 31, 1907


Hailey, Johnnie P. 

Birth: March 5, 1883

Deceased: October 12, 1931


Hailey, Sallie W. 

Birth: September 26, 1847

Deceased: February 22, 1923


Hobgood, Emma Judson 

Birth: May 5, 1860

Deceased: May 24, 1930


House, Annie Patrick (Daughter of H. W. and Nancy E. House)

Birth: September 17, 1868

Deceased: December 21, 1873


House, Claudie Comton (Son of H. W. and Nancy E. House)

Birth: July 28, 1877

Deceased: January 6, 1886


House, Edward P., Sr. (Spouse of Sue Honeycutt House)

Birth: May 20, 1879

Deceased: March 15, 1954


House, H. W. (Spouse of Nancy E. House)

Birth: July 16, 1834

Deceased: February 20, 1909


House, Lena Jackson 

Birth: September 9, 1893

Deceased: May 21, 1973


House, Nancy E. (Spouse of H. W. House)

Birth: October 26, 1846

Deceased: October 22, 1927


House, Sue Honeycutt (Spouse of Edward P. House, Sr.)

Birth: September 10, 1887

Deceased: March 13, 1914

[Next to the grave of Mrs. House are two markers 

simply stating ‘Infant of S.H.H.’  No dates were provided.]


Jackson, Cornelia A. Smith (Spouse of G. M. Jackson)

Birth: June 5, 1859

Deceased: February 20, 1926

[Cornelia, Eldora, and G.M. Jackson all died on the same day under unusual circumstances. See also Smith, Mary A. Poole (July 16, 1839 – November 18, 1903).  She was the mother of Nancy A. Cornelia Smith, and the spouse of G.M. Jackson.  Articles in The News and Observer newspaper, February 24, 1926 and the February 26, 1926 editions, provide more details.  If you wish to have a copy of the article please send request to:  The electronic copy has exceedingly small print and is difficult to read.]


Jackson, Eldora L. 

Birth: October 2, 1889

Deceased: February 20, 1926

Jackson, G. M. (Spouse of Cornelia A. Smith)

Birth: July 27, 1853

Deceased: February 20, 1926


Kelly, Cecil 

Birth: 1897

Deceased: 1956


Kelly, D. Viola 

Birth: December 12, 1884

Deceased: July 4, 1979


Kelly, Effie S. 

Birth: August 31, 1886

Deceased: April 16, 1983


Kelly, Joseph S. (Spouse of Nancy F. Goodwin Kelly)

Birth: February 22, 1857

Deceased: January 4, 1948


Kelly, Mamie Lee 

Birth: June 13, 1900

Deceased: April 15, 1903


Kelly, Nancy F. Goodwin (Spouse of Joseph S. Kelly)

Birth: January 19, 1857

Deceased: December 17, 1926


Kelly, Ryllis S. 

Birth: 1905

Deceased: 1996


Kelly, Walter Fletcher, US Navy, WWII 

Birth: June 3, 1925

Deceased: October 28, 1983


Kelly, William Carr 

Birth: October 24, 1889

Deceased: April 2, 1971


King, Cornelious 

Birth: August 30, 1887

Deceased: June 19, 1914


King, Elma 

Birth: June 7, 1876

Deceased: December 2, 1909


King, Joe 

Birth: May 19, 1878

Deceased: December 5, 1909


King, Josephine (Spouse of Leonidas King)

Birth: October 24, 1853

Deceased: April 18, 1921


King, Leonidas (Spouse of Josephine King)

Birth: August 2, 1851

Deceased: May 26, 1918


King, Myrtle R. 

Birth: May 22, 1897

Deceased: December 23, 1978


King, Ola E. 

Birth: January 23, 1882

Deceased: April 25, 1974


Layton, John S. 

Birth: July 16, 1867

Deceased: May 15, 1924


Layton, Lee Otis (Son of John S. and Ella Layton)

Birth: July 31, 1897

Deceased: October 23, 1901


Layton, Mary E. 

Birth: February 20, 1867

Deceased: October 23, 1935


Matthews, N. G. Smith (Daughter of W. F. and R. Matthews)

Birth: May 13, 1829

Deceased: Information is not readable


Matthews, S. E. (Daughter of W. and N. G. Matthew)

Birth: October 21, 1860

Deceased: May 30, 1861

McGhee, Charlie Elbert (Spouse of Nora McGhee and Son of Charles M. and Cornelia Frances King McGhee)

Birth: May 22, 1885

Deceased: May 21,1961


McGhee, Nora Jackson (Spouse of Charlie McGhee)

Birth: October 2, 1889

Deceased: August 9, 1972


*Riddle, Alice Cooper (Daughter of Charles and Sarah Cooper)

Birth: April 12, 1861

Deceased: July 13, 1883


*Sawyer, Infant (Child of J. E. and I. A. Sawyer)

Birth: no date provided

Deceased: no date provided


Singer, Beulah King (née Finch) 

Birth: March 21, 1886

Deceased: November 26, 1961


Smith, 1st name not legible

Birth: 1800

Deceased: 1802


Smith, Carrie Hailey 

Birth: October 6, 1872

Deceased: May 31, 1952


Smith, Charlie A. (Son of W. T. and M. W. Smith)

Birth: January 2, 1881

Deceased: August 28, 1910


Smith, Cora E. Cooper (Spouse of Sihon H. Smith)

Birth: May 12, 1866

Deceased: March 2, 1904


Smith, David Ollie 

Birth: May 26, 1895

Deceased: September 14, 1947

Smith, Delany Ann (Daughter of Wesley O. and Vasti Smith)

Birth: April 15, 1855

Deceased: February 22, 1859


Smith, Deliny V. (Daughter of Wesley O. and Vasti Smith)

Birth: February 9, 1860

Deceased: June 20, 1866


Smith, E. F. (Son of Wesley O. and Vasti Smith)

Birth: February 27, 1849

Deceased: September 21, 1855


Smith, Leo (Son of C. A. and M. Smith)

Birth: August 11, 1908

Deceased: July 39, 1910


Smith, Malissa Thompson (Spouse of William Thomas Smith)

Birth: August 30, 1853

Deceased: March 8, 1954


Smith, Marvin Edward (Son of Sihon H. and Cora E. Cooper Smith)

Birth: September 17, 1899

Deceased: April 17, 1921


Smith, Mary A. Poole (Spouse of William Asbury Smith, then Hilliard J. Smith (brothers)) 

Birth: July 16, 1830

Deceased: November 18, 1903

(Mary was the daughter of William J. and Bashiba Jones Poole.  She was also the mother of Hilliard T. Smith and Nancy A. Cornelia Smith who married G.M. Jackson.)


Smith, Norman Lee 

Birth: December 30, 1886

Deceased: September 19, 1970


Smith, Rachael Bashiba 

Birth: April 22, 1863

Deceased: August 17, 1872


Smith, Rachael Olive (Daughter of Jesse and M. Olive; Spouse of William F. Smith)

Birth: July 10, 1796

Deceased: June 1, 1826

Smith, Sihon H. (Spouse of Cora E. Cooper) 

Birth: 1855

Deceased: 1928


*Smith, Thomas Lee 

Birth: April 17, 1868

Deceased: August 1, 1872


Smith, Vasti (Spouse of Wesley O. Smith)

Birth: January 14, 1827

Deceased: December 5, 1889


Smith, W. O. (Son of William F. and Rachael Smith)

Birth: June 11, 1824

Deceased: March 4, 1863


Smith, Wesley O., Jr. (Son of Wesley O. and Vasti Smith)

Birth: May 4, 1863

Deceased: June 1867


Smith, William A. (Son of William F. and Rachael Smith)

Birth: April 30, 1822

Deceased: November 12, 1860


Smith, William F. (Spouse of Rachael O. Smith, (Son of Rev. Sihon and Elizabeth Smith)

Birth: October 15, 1791

Deceased: May 25, 1856


Smith, William Henry 

Birth: November 30, 1874

Deceased: September 13, 1967


Smith, William Henry (Son of H. J. Smith)

Birth: July 20, 1866

Deceased: January 29, 1867


Smith, William Thomas (Spouse of Malissa Thompson Smith)

Birth: January 21, 1851

Deceased: July 27, 1921


*Thompson, Addison M. (Spouse of Frances S. Thompson)

Birth: 1855

Deceased: 1923


Thompson, Ethel King (Spouse of L. C. Thompson)

Birth: September 22, 1896

Deceased: September 19, 1929


Thompson, Frances S. (Spouse of Addison M. Thompson)

Birth: 1857

Deceased: 1941


Thompson, George Walton 

Birth: 1884

Deceased: 1936


Thompson, Gladys E. 

Birth: June 9, 1898

Deceased: December 12, 1917


Thompson, N. T. (Son of Michael and Mary Thompson)

Birth: October 18, 1820

Deceased: June 2, 1892


The following markers are in our cemetery with no information regarding the full name, date of birth or date deceased:

     A. C. R.                          A. W. E.

     B. A. E.                          C. E B.

     C. W. E.                         E. J. H.

     E. L. J.                            F. H.

     I. K. E.                           M. C. D.

     N. L. S.


And last, there are 16 blank markers, perhaps weathered over the years, erasing the information they originally contained.

Letter from Pastor

8:30 a.m. First Service

in Sanctuary


9:45 a.m. Middle Service

in Fellowship Hall


11:00 a.m. Late Service

in Sanctuary and on YouTube



4415 Pleasant Grove Church Road

Raleigh, NC  27613


Telephone:  919-787-7763




Office Hours

Monday - Thursday:

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. - noon


AARP Tax Aide:  919-410-6286


The Hyder House is located at 

4400 Pleasant Grove Church Road



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