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8:30 a.m. Service

Our early service is held in the Sanctuary. This traditional service offers communion every week, Children's Time followed by Children's Church, and a friendly, lively atmosphere. Music is provided by our Coffee Chorus and other special musicians, led by our Director of Worship Arts Chris Dodson.

9:45 a.m. Service

Our middle service is held in the Fellowship Hall during the Sunday school hour. This non-traditional service offers communion every week, a reflective prayer time, and coffee & refreshments. Music is provided by our Grove Band led by our Director of Contemporary Worship Arts, Isaac Pyatt.

11:00 a.m. Service

Our late service is held in the Sanctuary. This traditional  service offers communion once a month, Children's Time followed by Children's church, and Reverend Minnick's most polished jokes. Music is provided by our Chancel Choir led by our Director of Worship Arts Chris Dodson.

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