Dear Friends,
Our church has a rich and wonderful history. God's presence has empowered and sustained us at Pleasant Grove for over 170 years, and now God’s hand will guide us as we seek to expand our ministry as we expand and improve our ministry facilities. “God’s Vision: The Next Chapter” is Pleasant Grove UMC’s building campaign. This campaign is an opportunity for us to participate fully in God’s vision for our great church and move toward God’s preferred future as we seek to further our mission to be “the body of Christ in the world”. Every ministry of our church will be enhanced by the expansion and renovations we have envisioned together. This vision will become a reality as a result of our gifts to the campaign. I pray you will be supportive of this important step in our shared faith journey.
As the members and friends of Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church, I am asking you to join me in praying this simple, yet profound prayer: “Lord, what do you want to do through me to fulfill your will for Pleasant Grove UMC?” Take time to reflect, to meditate, and to pray as you strive to discern God’s will for you and for Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church.
I am confident that as we move together through this exciting season of our church’s life God’s spirit will move our hearts to respond to God’s grace and generosity with an outpouring of our own generosity and faithfulness.